A Message from the AMPI Board
Due to recent references to AMPI made by a pilotage organisation, AMPI would like to point out the following to industry: AMPI always encourages pilotage organisations to follow our best practice guides and codes of conduct. We are unable to approve or endorse procedures on behalf of external parties. On behalf of the AMPI Board […]
The Use of Shiphandling Simulators in Marine Pilot Training

It is without a doubt nowadays that simulators whether they are high resolution, full mission simulators or low resolution simulators are important tools for developing piloting behaviours and general skills. This training must not only be a supplement to existing on water live training for licence progression but also used as a supplement to ongoing […]
COVID 19 Advice to Members

Dear Members, We have all been inundated with COVID19 communications from all manner of sources in the last few weeks. There has also been no shortage of generic advice from health departments across Australia. As each State, employer and jurisdiction come up with a plethora of COVID19 responses, AMPI thought that it was time that […]